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Presenting a New Research

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Dispute arises over treatment
of patients by trainees

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How To Get Rich...Slowly!

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我教你看怎麼買防曬的好了。” 這是一篇隱藏文章。

2009/03/13 21:27

q19821209 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

如果不管要美白或是抗皺等等這些特殊的功能,一套基本的保養品只要有清潔,保濕,防曬,這三樣就夠了,所以一個聰明的消費者,他只需要買洗面乳,乳液(或面霜或精華液),防曬這三罐就行了. 這是一篇隱藏文章。

2009/03/13 21:20

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Pet Hamster

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The Sly Fox and Little Red Hen

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Puss In Boots
Once upon the time, there was a young man who inherited a cat named Puss from his father.
The young man was wondering how were they going to make a living, when the cat suddenly spoke.
"Do not worry, my master. Give me a pair of your boots and a bag then I shall solve your problem." said the cat.
The young man hesitated, but did what he was told.
With the bag his master gave him, Puss put on his boots and went to the field.
He placed some lettuce in the field and when the rabbits came to nibble on them, Puss jumped out and caught them.
With a bag full of fine rabbits Puss went to see the King in the castle.

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Star1 Wars2: Episode3 3---Revenge4 of the Sith

Hans: Oh boy! Star Wars: Episode 3 comes out on May 19th. I saw the trailer5 yesterday.

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q19821209 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

伴有急性器官功能障礙的敗血症(嚴重敗血症)是ICU病房病人死亡的最主要原因。在美國,每年大約有750,000個人發展為敗血症,平均每天有2,000個新發病例,而全世界所有的罹病數並不清楚。隨著免疫抑制病人增多、侵入性治療檢查的增加、微生物抗藥性、老年人人口的增長和人們對敗血症認識與診斷水準的提高,目前敗血症的病例呈上升趨勢。儘管對其治療給予巨大的投資,嚴重敗血症的死亡率仍然呈上升的趨勢,已經從過去的 28%上升到現在的50%。敗血症最後導致器官官能障礙和死亡。過去,人們一直認為敗血症是體內某細菌感染引發的全身性炎症反應的症狀。今天,我們認為敗血症不只是一種炎症反應,而是典型的全身性炎症反應、促凝血素質特異體質(prothrombotic diathesis)和纖維蛋白溶解失調三位一體的表現。敗血症一旦發生,這種三合一反應組合的發現對於降低敗血症的發病率和死亡率有重大的意義。事實上,一旦敗血症發生,引起嚴重敗血症的惡性循環的走向與潛在的感染性疾病過程無關。

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Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt

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The Boy Who Cried Wolf
  Once upon a time there was a little shepherd boy who sat at the top of a hill looking after his sheep. This was a very boring job. One day he decided to have some fun and cried, "Wolf! Wolf! There is a wolf trying to eat my sheep!"

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The Gingerbread Man

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The Unhappy Little Fish, Gary

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