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q19821209 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


給有結婚的人 , 沒結婚的人也可以設一個特別存摺 , 為自己值得感到高興或幸福的事存下記憶哦 …… 

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q19821209 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

咖啡貪杯 小心週末頭痛

中廣 更新日期:2009/02/06 12:05


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Bad Dog Jason

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Benson and Hedge, Two Smart Little Hamsters
   Once upon a time there was two smart little hamsters named Benson and Hedge. They lived in a butcher shop owned by a man named Mr. O'Donald. Mr. O'Donald didn't pay much attention to Benson and Hedge. They had no cage - Benson and Hedge went anywhere in the shop they pleased. Mr. O'Donald would put out some bread crumbs for Benson and Hedge every now and then. But mostly Benson and Hedge were on their own, scrambling around looking for food and water.

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q19821209 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One Arm Ben

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Harry, The Adventurous Flea

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Long ago there was a poor boy named Aladdin who lived with his mother. One day when Aladdin was walking on the street, a stranger came up to him and claimed that he was Aladdin's uncle.

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   Once upon a time there lived a little frog that was different from all the others. This little frog had three hind legs, and his name was Bobby-Boy. Bobby-Boy was often kidded unmercifully because he was different. The other little frogs would not let him play any of the games that little frogs usually play.

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      淺談自傳的寫作 李文廣老師


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The Ant and the Grasshopper
Once upon a time on a sunny day, a handsome grasshopper was happily playing and singing all day long.

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The Three Billy Goats Gruff

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The Emperor's new Clothes


Once upon a time there was a king who loved clothing. He had more clothes than anyone else in the whole world.

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Old Woman in the Shoe
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children that she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some bread without any orange juice.
She read bedtime stories to them and forgot to wash their dirty clothes.
The worst is she never remembered how many children she really had.


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Protecting Kids From Heart Disease

Posted December 5, 2008

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