Once upon a time there lived a little frog that was different from all the others. This little frog had three hind legs, and his name was Bobby-Boy. Bobby-Boy was often kidded unmercifully because he was different. The other little frogs would not let him play any of the games that little frogs usually play.
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The little frogs didn't know it, but there was a deep pit along the path to the animal farm. The farm owner made the pit to catch foxes and other predators who wanted to get his chickens. It was covered over with sticks and leaves so that it would not be seen. As the little frogs happily danced and jumped down the path, singing songs, and hooting and hollering, they suddenly all fell in the pit and were trapped. They were very upset and were afraid the farm owner would catch them, because he had very little patience with any animals outside his farm. And the farm owner's wife had a wonderful recipe for fried frog legs. ![]() |
All of the frogs tried to jump high and out of the pit so that they could go and get help. They all fell back in the pit. Finally, Bobby-Boy said, "I think I can do it," and the other frogs laughed--they didn't think that Bobby-Boy could do anything they couldn't do. But little were they thinking that Bobby-Boy had three hind legs while they only had two. ![]() |
Bobby-Boy exhaled, took a few deep frog breaths, and jumped as high as he could and jumped up and out of the pit! All of the frogs in the pit were surprised that Bobby-Boy could accomplish this amazing feat and began to cheer. Then they asked each other, "What will Bobby-Boy do now?" As they were wondering this question in their little froggy head, Bobby-Boy had already found a long stick, which he brought back and dropped down in the pit. He hollered down and told all of the frogs to climb up the stick and out of the pit. The little frogs, one by one, crawled up the stick, and when they all reached the top, they gave three cheers for Bobby-Boy. "Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!" They all carefully hopped on down the path. They stopped and had their picnic lunch. They finally reached the animal farm and enjoyed watching and naming the animals. From that time on, Bobby-Boy was lto by the others and always included in the little frogs' activities. ![]() |
生字 Hind adj. 後腿的; 後面的 Kid v. 欺騙(尤指開玩笑); 過去式為 kidded Unmercifully adv. 無情的 Reluctantly adv. 勉強地; 不願地 Mule n. 騾 Pit n. 坑洞; 陷井 Predator n. 捕食其他動物的動物; 食肉動物 Hoot v. 狂笑(非正式) Holler v. 呼叫; 呼喊(非正式) Trap v. 設陷井; 過去式為 trapped Exhale v. 呼出(氣, 煙等) Accomplish v. 做成功;完成 Feat n. 功蹟; 偉業; 壯舉 |