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10/9: AM;03:30

q19821209 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Peter and the Wolf
Once upon a time, there lived an old man with his grandson in their garden.
"Peter, you must never leave the garden to go to the meadow because there is a wolf hiding in the forest that will eat you!" said the grandfather.
Peter promised, but on a beautiful sunny day, he couldn't resist going for a walk in the meadow. So he left the garden.
Soon, Peter saw a bird flying in the air near him so he asked, "Did you see the wolf today, my friend?"
The bird replied, "Nope, but you better warn the duck following behind you because she wants to go for a swim in that pond in the meadow."  
As they were talking, a cat jumped out from behind the bird and tried to catch it in the air. "Watch out, bird!" yelled Peter.
The little bird soon noticed the cat from behind then flew safely up higher into the air. "Thank you Peter, thank you," said the bird gratefully.  
Later, Peter's grandfather saw him wandering around in the meadow so he yelled for his return. Peter returned, but left all his animal friends in the meadow.

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( 戴勝益:王品集團董事長)

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主旨: 2009奧斯卡最佳動畫短片:積木之屋~~探尋,那洪水淹沒下的回憶


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Dear Parents
       You may want to watch this video clip with your children. I found it's very inspiring to me to be grateful and to be a good steward of what  
God has entrusted to us to care for those in need.
           這短片~發人深省 : 來一盤炸雞
這是真人真事,請跟你的孩子一同觀看。珍惜神所賜的日用飲食我們真是太幸福了 ! 珍惜所擁有的 !

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擾夢床蝨四處蔓延 全球拉警報!

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忘帶健保卡, 自費超過七天,自認倒楣------案:

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 醫學專家警告 ...  

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Sleeping Beauty

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The Lady or the Tiger?

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Talking about Work Load

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A New Computer

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Puss In Boots
Once upon the time, there was a young man who inherited a cat named Puss from his father.
The young man was wondering how were they going to make a living, when the cat suddenly spoke.
"Do not worry, my master. Give me a pair of your boots and a bag then I shall solve your problem." said the cat.
The young man hesitated, but did what he was told.
With the bag his master gave him, Puss put on his boots and went to the field.
He placed some lettuce in the field and when the rabbits came to nibble on them, Puss jumped out and caught them.
With a bag full of fine rabbits Puss went to see the King in the castle.

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